Today is one of those days where you want to be happy, but you cry at the same time. One of mine and Jason's good friends Levi Pigman died on Sat. 25, 2009. He has been in the Unit with Jason since 2001. He was the first part of OUR GROUP of friends here. He LOVED life and lived it to the fullest.
He owned a Harley and went across country on it. He has seen the world because of the military. He fought in Wars and survived them. He loves skiing and snowboarding. Anything that has to do with being out on the water. He of course hunted and fished. Don't forget all the fun times with friends.
Levi was an amazing man whose life was cut short on Saturday. He was always running marathons to help different charities. This weekend he was running the City Music March which was 13 miles long.(normal length for him to do) Upon completion with his dad finishing 12 min. before him he fell to the ground and said he didn't feel very well. He died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He had a Heart Attack. He was 25 years of age and had a Heart Attack. Levi leaves behind both sets of parents and step-parents. Three brothers, a soon to be Fiance, and LOTS OF FRIENDS. If you knew Pig you liked him. That is his nick name to us.
I am taking it hard and I only seen him at get togethers or eating out. But that has been for the past 8 yrs. My husband seen him on a daily basis. Worked with him, deployed with him. They even watched each others back while being in war. I can't imagine how he is feeling. Please keep all of Levi's friends and family in your prayers.
He is from Montana, so his body will be moved back home for the services. The military will be doing a service for him here on Friday the 1st. Jason and a few of the closest friends will be getting to go to his actual service in Montana. They will be leaving on Tuesday. Jason has been asked to be one of the Casket Carrriers. A great honor to him.