This first picture is what I got from walgreens
Two bottles of VIVE Pro shampoo - 4.99 each (Buy one get one) also used a coupon = 3.99
Two glade candles - 2.50 each used $3.00 coupon = 2.00
carefree - 1.00 Used 1.00 coupon = FREE
Had an additions 15% OFF coupon entire order
Total WAS $19. I PAID $6.00
PLUS got $3.00 in coupons for my next visit. SO really only spent $3.00

This was from Target
4 boxes Special K bars
1 box special K cereal
5 tubs of Edys Ice cream
1 bread
1 starburst
1 dove deodorant
1 tiral tide
1 trial all
1 aveeno lotion
1 Travel hungry hippos game
1 huggies wipes
I got ALL of this for -----are you ready-----$15.61
YES $15.61
I saved $41.70 in coupons PLUS got $10 in gift cards for the special K products and Edys Ice creams. I can use the gift cards for my next shoping trip. So, I really only spent $5.61...................WOW!
If your not a couponer I challenge you to start saving money that thousands of people in the world are. I know I am a believer and Im gonna keep saving that MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!